Email to Lead in Salesforce: Capturing Inbound LoopNet & CREXi Inquiries with AscendixRE

December 17, 2024
4 min

Do you receive many leads and inquiries via email from LoopNet, CREXi, CoStar, and other real estate platforms? Are you looking for a way to automate lead data extraction from those inquiries into your Salesforce CRM?

We have a solution!

Introducing Email to Inquiry, an extension of Salesforce’s Email to Lead functionality, this new AscendixRE CRM feature automates the extraction of leads from inbound inquiries on platforms like LoopNet and CREXi, seamlessly converting them into CRM records.

Let’s explore how Salesforce Email to Lead functionality helps CRE brokers and agents streamline lead management process and ensures that no inquiry slips through the cracks.

Why Should CRE Brokers Automate Inquiry Capture?

When someone is interested in specific properties/leases/availabilities listed on LoopNet and CREXi (or other similar platforms), they contact brokers by filling in a contact form. Once the request has been submitted, brokers receive an email containing lead details. Each email may require performing various actions aimed at logging these details into the CRM, such as:

  • Adding information about the referring broker (e.g., Broker company, Inquiry source, description).
  • Logging complete tenant information, including LoopNet/CREXi listing ID, Property name, availability, etc.)
  • Logging tenant preferences regarding property size/type/class, rent minimum/maximum, and more
  • Marking the contact as interested in the property listing.
  • Scheduling a call to arrange a visit.
  • Adding the lead to the contact list for future opportunities
  • Adding the contact to marketing campaigns.

If brokers have several hot property listings in inventory, they may receive hundreds of these emails daily. Therefore, capturing lead data from inbound inquiries into a CRM manually may be overwhelming and time-consuming.

Additionally, there’s a possibility of missing some emails or spending more effort than desired to stay on top of everything.

The solution? Implement an automated LoopNet/CREXi inbound inquiry data extraction to streamline the actions mentioned above and focus on what CRE brokers can do best – selling commercial real estate.

Automate Lead Data Extraction with xRE

Easily extract lead information from incoming LoopNet&CREXI inquiries with the automatic lead extraction available in AscendixRE. Book a demo to see how it works.

Extract Specific Data from LoopNet&CREXi Inbound Inquiries Using New AscendixRE Extension

The Ascendix team has created a sequence that converts inbound inquiries from LoopNet&CREXi into leads and stores them in AscendixRE CRM. The sequence keeps up with the logic of existing Salesforce Email to Lead functionality.

Please note: In AscendixRE, we use the term “inquiries” instead of “leads” to refer to potential business opportunities. Although we utilize “Email to Inquiry” functionality, the concept remains consistent with traditional lead management practices.

How it works? Let’s analyze the Inquiry creation workflow based on interactions with LoopNet.

Lead A visits LoopNet and gets interested in a specific property. He/she fills in the contact form on LoopNet.

LoopNet Inquiry

Once a Lead presses the “Send Email” button, a broker assigned to this particular property gets an automated email about a new Inquiry from LoopNet.

Inside the email, there is the contact information that lead A provided in the LoopNet contact form.

Inquiry from LoopNet in email box

Once a broker receives this email, it gets forwarded to a specific inbox attached to the Salesforce accounts, and then an Inquiry is created.

pulled data from the inquiry into AscendixRE CRM

In AscendixRE CRM, brokers receive an inquiry with prepopulated contact data of the lead (first and last name, company name, property name, phone numbers, and custom message). Furthermore, there is a flow in the background that retrieves the LoopNet listing ID from the property and automatically attaches it to the Inquiry in AscendixRE CRM.

For brokers this extension is a real time-saver and game-changer because it prevents them from manual CRM data input. Thanks to Salesforce Email to Lead functionality, LoopNet/CREXi Inquiries get automatically captured and converted into records in AscendixRE CRM.



Key Highlights of Salesforce Email to Lead (Inquiry) in AscendixRE CRM:

  • Captures information about the referring broker (e.g., Broker company, Inquiry source, description);
  • Captures complete tenant information, including LoopNet/CREXi listing ID, Property name, availability, etc.;
  • Tracks tenant preferences regarding property size/type/class, rent minimum/maximum, and more;
  • Offers custom mapping fields;
  • Applicable both for AscendixRE CRM users and Salesforce CRM users;
  • Can be installed in your CRM org within 1.5 hours.

The Ascendix team has modified the Salesforce Email-to-Lead functionality and created a unique extension, Email to Inquiry. By using this functionality, brokers can capture more vital information from the inbound LoopNet/CREXi Inquiries and avoid manual data entry.

Book a demo to see how it works within AscendixRE CRM and set up your email data extraction workflow within a few hours.

We Can Automate Your Inquiry Capture

Contact Ascendix team to request professional services. We can install our new LoopNet&CREXi Inquiry capture extension in a few hours and support you during the workflow.


What Information Can Brokers Extract From Inbound Loopnet&Crexi Inquiries?

Ascendix modification of Salesforce Email-to-Lead functionality allows CRE brokers to extract all information available in the inbound LoopNet/CREXi inquiry:

  • Contact details: name, phone, email, company name
  • Property details: address, price, description, lead’s preferences, LoopNet/CREXi ID
  • Type of inquiry: message, tour request, new lead, etc.
  • Lead source: LoopNet, CREXi, CoStar

Can I Use This Extension if I Have a Salesforce License?

Yes, you can. Our extension works both for AscendixRE users and Salesforce CRM users.

Where Can I Learn More About Capturing Inbound Loopnet&Crexi Inquiries Into Salesforce?

Despite our blog post, you can also find information by contacting the Sales Team, which will be glad to present you with a demo.


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