Our Best Practices for Salesforce License Optimization [PDF]

Main Best Salesforce License Optimization Strategies Ascendix

Salesforce licenses cost can significantly impact an organization’s budget, particularly when multiple or specialized licenses are needed.

To effectively manage these costs, implementing Salesforce license optimization strategies is vital. These strategies not only prevent the purchase of unnecessary licenses but also help you maximize the value of your Salesforce investment by better utilizing unused ones.

If you’re seeking to elevate your business with Salesforce’s cutting-edge solutions while simultaneously conserving funds for future innovations, this whitepaper is an essential resource.

In this e-book, we delve into:

  • Salesforce licensing calculations based on pricing models,
  • Strategies for securing improved contract prices,
  • Methods to optimize your existing Salesforce license costs & yield the greatest return on your investment.

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The Power of Salesforce License Optimization

Key Salesforce License Optimization Benefits | Ascendix

Salesforce license optimization is an essential practice to align cost-effective Salesforce licenses with your organizational needs. It involves comprehending varying user needs, conducting regular license audits, managing unused licenses, and negotiating contracts.

According to Gartner, organizations can slash software costs by 30% with effective license optimization strategies. Salesforce license optimization enhances efficiency and tailors licenses to changing operational needs, ensuring users access only necessary data and features, thereby minimizing data breach risks.

Regular optimization, including system security audits, not only reduces costs, but is a strategic imperative for operational efficiency, enhanced security, and increased ROI. Download our e-book to get our e-book to learn more about our strategies for license optimization and cost negotiation.

Key Salesforce License Optimization Benefits | Ascendix
David Noble
Vice President of Market Research, Hanna Langholz Wilson Ellis

When searching for a replacement to our existing CRM system, our situation presented several challenges, the most significant of which was the fact that our individual offices were all using different systems. Different systems meant different processes and different workflows for the users. It also meant that the data migration process would be multiplied by the number of systems that we used. After our initial discussion with the Ascendix team, we quickly realized that we were speaking with a partner in this process, someone as invested in our success as we were.

Robert Sattler
Principal, Cresa New York

Ascendix helped us move things from Excel spreadsheets to Salesforce. We felt comfortable that Ascendix would not disappear when we needed the help. They really worked with us to get everything over as consistently as we possibly could. I remember I was thinking that we would probably have 50% success with our data imports, but we got it to 85-90%, so everything is converted over. We just felt like they were very hands-on and if we needed something, we could just pick up the phone and call them.

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