How to Use ChatGPT for Salesforce Admins & Developers: 30 Use Cases

August 30, 2024
13 min

Salesforce is a cornerstone for customer data and process management, but what if you could turbocharge its capabilities? With AI, you can make the use of Salesforce in your company even more effective.

The omnipresent ChatGPT – an AI tool available to everyone – can significantly enhance your Salesforce interactions.

With ChatGPT for Salesforce, admins can optimize workflows, programmers in Salesforce development services can speed up code generation, and users can boost productivity.

In this blog post, we’ve tested practical ChatGPT Salesforce prompts to help you with data queries, automation tasks, code snippets, and productivity hacks.

Read on to discover how ChatGPT for Salesforce can transform your operations.

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Areas Where We CAN Recommend Using ChatGPT for Salesforce

Basic Tasks That ChatGPT Salesforce Can Handle

Salesforce has started to utilize AI and actively integrate it into the ecosystem, including tools like Co-pilot and Einstein.

However, as these functions are expensive and available only in top editions of Salesforce, ChatGPT stays here as the affordable and effective option.

Email Template Generation

Salespeople can use ChatGPT to quickly create professional and personalized email templates, enhancing communication efficiency.

Example of the Salesforce ChatGPT prompt: 

Create an HTML template for email that contains the following text:

Hello User,

Welcome to the Portal. We are excited to have you onboard. The portal provides you with easy access to important information and documents related to you.

To access the portal, please follow the link provided below

Username: Username

Password: Created upon initial login

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your portal, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to help you navigate through the process.

Best Regards, “

Link to the ChatGPT prompt 

The Result of Email Template Generation with ChatGPT Ascendix

The Result of Email Template Generation with ChatGPT | Ascendix

ChatGPT for Salesforce also can enhance this email template with branding and colors.

ChatGPT Prompt:

“My company name is Acme, and my brand colors are light blue (#01abf3). Please add a header and footer to the template based on this information.

Enhance the design by changing the header font, adding another color (#ff9c00), and including a placeholder for an image.”

An Example of Email Template Generation with Brand Colors Ascendix

An Example of Email Template Generation with Brand Colors | Ascendix

Another example of email template generation with ChatGPT

“Act as a marketing expert with deep knowledge of HTML. Create an HTML email template that will be sent to potential customers who want to schedule a visit to review the office for rent.

It must include information about the address, price, available area, date and time of the visit, and agent name, and must contain personalized information such as ‘Dear [User]’. Our company name is Acme, and our brand colors are #01abf3 and #ff9c00.

The template must contain a header and footer and use a nice font.”

Another Example of Email Template Generation with ChatGPT

Another Example of Email Template Generation with ChatGPT | Ascendix

Translation of Labels and Text

Salesforce users can effortlessly translate labels and text within Salesforce, ensuring consistency across multilingual environments. By utilizing Salesforce ChatGPT, users can further streamline their workflows and enhance communication.

Chat GPT for Salesforce not only automates translation but also provides intelligent insights and responses, making customer interactions more personalized.

Leveraging ChatGPT in Salesforce allows businesses to efficiently manage and support their global operations, leading to increased customer satisfaction and a seamless user experience.

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Knowledge Management

Integrating ChatGPT with Salesforce optimizes intelligent knowledge management. This integration enhances access to relevant information across the organization.

ChatGPT and Salesforce integration improves efficiency by delivering contextually appropriate answers, aiding Salesforce users in retrieving key information.

Additionally, the Salesforce and ChatGPT combination accelerates decision-making processes by providing instant, data-driven insights.

It fosters collaboration across departments and lets all team members have real-time access to the same updated and accurate information.

Guided Assistance

ChatGPT excels in providing guided assistance to Salesforce users. Whether you need help completing forms or have questions about processes, it is possible to consult the Chat GPT Salesforce bot for step-by-step instructions, enhancing their overall user experience.

Moreover, ChatGPT for Salesforce can offer recommendations for Salesforce users based on past interactions and data analysis, further streamlining task management.

This level of support not only boosts efficiency but also reduces the learning curve for new employees, ensuring they can quickly become productive members of the team.

Virtual Assistants and Chatbots

Integrating ChatGPT in Salesforce as a virtual assistant or conversational chatbot for customer support ensures quick and accurate responses to frequently asked questions.

It also provides detailed product information and guides users through common processes, improving operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Salesforce ChatGPT virtual assistants and chatbots can handle multiple customer inquiries simultaneously, reducing wait times and increasing service availability.

Additionally, they integrate seamlessly with Salesforce analytics to gather insights on customer interactions, helping organizations continuously refine and enhance their support strategies.

Content Creation & Analysis

  • Create User Stories: ChatGPT Salesforce can generate detailed user stories, ensuring that all functional requirements are captured effectively.
  • Analyze Documents: Salesforce administrators and consultants can leverage ChatGPT for Salesforce to analyze documents and extract key information, streamlining the documentation process.
  • Survey Creation: ChatGPT can create and refine surveys, making it easier to gather user feedback and insights.
  • Create Dummy Data for Sandbox: With ChatGPT in Salesforce, generate realistic dummy data for testing in Sandbox environments, enabling thorough testing and validation without compromising real data.
  • Generate Product Descriptions: Salesforce professionals can use ChatGPT to create compelling and accurate product descriptions, enhancing marketing materials and product catalogs.

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ChatGPT for Salesforce Configuration

Create and Fix Formula Fields

With ChatGPT you can generate formulas for custom fields, simplifying the creation process and ensuring accurate calculations.

For example, ChatGPT can help you build a formula that can calculate the first day of the next month:

Link to the ChatGPT prompt

ChatGPT 3.5 Prompt to Build a Formula that Can Calculate the First Day Of the Next Month Ascendix

ChatGPT 3.5 Prompt to Build a Formula that Can Calculate the First Day Of the Next Month | Ascendix

However, the answers to the prompt may vary depending on the ChatGPT version. The code above was generated by ChatGPT 3.5. The formula below was suggested by ChatGPT 4.0.

ChatGPT 4.0 Prompt to Build a Formula to Calculate the First Day Of The Next Month Ascendix

ChatGPT 4.0 Prompt to Generate a Formula to Calculate the First Day Of The Next Month

Link to the ChatGPT Prompt

Also, ChatGPT for Salesforce can also help create a validation rule to prevent a user from deleting a record. Here is an example.

Or find the missing parenthesis in the formula. Here is how ChatGPT does it.

Lead Scoring

Salesforce ChatGPT prompts for sales can streamline the lead-scoring process by interacting with prospects, asking pertinent questions, and evaluating their suitability.

This automation optimizes the identification of high-value leads, enabling sales teams to concentrate on the most promising opportunities.

By utilizing AI insights in CRM, sales teams can also better understand potential clients’ needs and pain points, allowing for more personalized and effective outreach.

Such use of ChatGPT in Salesforce ensures that the lead scoring model is up to date and is fully aligned with company requirements and market conditions.

Interactive Forms

Utilizing ChatGPT to create interactive forms transforms information collection. Users can complete forms through natural language responses, which the assistant processes and stores efficiently in Salesforce.

This method enhances the user experience and simplifies data management on the platform.

Moreover, the conversational nature of these forms can increase completion rates by making the process more engaging for users. Salesforce Chat GPT can also include the function of intelligent data validation and error-checking to reduce inconsistencies and improve the overall accuracy of the collected information.

Team Collaboration

Integrating ChatGPT in Salesforce enhances team collaboration by facilitating project discussions, summarizing information, and providing instant answers.

This real-time collaboration tool boosts operational efficiency by streamlining communication and decision-making among team members.

Furthermore, the system can archive discussions and decisions, creating a searchable knowledge base that teams can refer to at any time with the help of ChatGPT for Salesforce.

This ensures that critical information is preserved and easily accessible.

Smart Recommendations

Utilizing past interactions and data analysis, ChatGPT offers contextually relevant suggestions.

This feature streamlines decision-making and boosts productivity by providing specific and valuable information based on users’ historical needs and preferences in Salesforce.

By intelligently filtering through vast amounts of data, ChatGPT for Salesforce can highlight opportunities and potential challenges that might otherwise be overlooked.

Smart recommendations make the work of the teams more efficient and convenient.

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Limitations of Using ChatGPT for Salesforce

While ChatGPT offers significant benefits through its integration with Salesforce, it’s essential to understand its limitations.

Chat GPT Salesforce is a powerful tool that provides coherent and logical responses, facilitating specific tasks.

However, it cannot replace roles entirely due to its reliance on generic, non-personalized content and its inability to generate new content.

We recommend being mindful of the following precautions before adopting any ChatGPT and Salesforce integration:

  • Data Security: Public generative AI tools like ChatGPT may not be entirely secure. Since the entered information is not encrypted, it is vulnerable to unauthorized access, that’s why it’s better to avoid sharing confidential data.
  • Result Inaccuracies: Public tools may contain inaccuracies due to outdated information. Always review results to identify possible inaccuracies.
  • Limitations in Contextual Knowledge: ChatGPT lacks human contextual knowledge and emotional intelligence. It may struggle to connect information dots, identify causes and effects, and use language appropriately. Review results to ensure natural language and appropriate context

ChatGPT in Salesforce helps generate training content and answer basic questions. However, custom business requirements limit its effectiveness, making it a starting point rather than a complete solution.

While ChatGPT is a powerful virtual assistant for specific tasks, it should not be your sole source of information.

Proper use of this tool will positively impact your Salesforce solution, but taking these precautions is crucial.

Areas Where We CAN’T Recommend Using Salesforce Chat GPT Prompts

Complex Custom Coding with ChatGPT for Salesforce

ChatGPT might generate incorrect or suboptimal code that doesn’t adhere to best practices or Salesforce-specific standards, leading to potential system issues.

Therefore, using Salesforce ChatGPT for writing intricate Apex code or custom Lightning components may not be the best approach.

Specific Company Workflows

ChatGPT for Salesforce may not fully comprehend customized fields and validations, potentially leading to workflow disruptions.

It might also struggle with automating unique and complex business workflows specific to an organization.

Advanced Data Migration Tasks

Using ChatGPT for planning and executing intricate data migrations between Salesforce orgs or from other platforms is not recommended.

ChatGPT may not address all data integrity issues, potentially leading to data loss or corruption.

Salesforce Security Configurations

ChatGPT might not fully grasp the nuances of security settings, potentially compromising data security.

Therefore, ChatGPT may not be ideal for setting up and managing complex security configurations, such as role hierarchies and sharing rules.

ChatGPT in Salesforce Integration with APIs

ChatGPT may not accurately manage the complexities of API configurations and data synchronization, potentially causing integration failures.

In these cases, it’s best to rely on experienced Salesforce professionals like Ascendix who understand the specific requirements and nuances of the platform to ensure accuracy and compliance.

Complex Salesforce Configuration

For Salesforce administrators, ChatGPT can significantly streamline CRM configuration.

While ChatGPT for Salesforce excels in generating content such as knowledge articles, collaboration is key to enhancing results.

Administrators should remain mindful of its limitations, particularly concerning custom fields and specific company requirements.

Areas Where You CAN Use ChatGPT for Salesforce with Certain Exceptions

Client Proposals

Consultants can leverage ChatGPT to draft initial client proposals, creating a foundational structure.

However, customizing these drafts to meet each client’s unique needs is essential for retaining business. ChatGPT in Salesforce serves as a starting point, but personalized attention is crucial in today’s competitive landscape.

Salesforce Chat GPT for Data Analysis and Reporting

ChatGPT’s ability to analyze vast amounts of Salesforce data and generate reports offers detailed insights into customer behavior and performance.

This facilitates informed decision-making, trend identification, and strategy customization, significantly enhancing business operations.

It must be noted, though, that Chat GPT Salesforce might miss critical metrics or misinterpret data requirements, producing incomplete or inaccurate reports.

Therefore, it’s better not to use ChatGPT for creating custom reports and dashboards for specific business needs.

Building Simple Queries in Salesforce ChatGPT

ChatGPT can rapidly generate SOQL queries, saving time for admins and consultants. By simplifying query creation, it is particularly beneficial for those less familiar with SOQL syntax.

However, ChatGPT may not fully grasp the specific business context or nuances of a Salesforce setup, potentially leading to less optimized queries.

It might also struggle with complex or non-standard scenarios requiring deep business knowledge. While it reduces syntax errors, logical errors or misinterpretations can still occur.

Therefore, queries generated by ChatGPT for Salesforce should always be reviewed by a human to ensure they meet the intended goals.

Furthermore, it may not support all advanced features and functionalities available in Salesforce query tools and environments.

Example of Salesforce SOQL Query: Won Opportunities

ChatGPT Prompt:

“As a Senior Salesforce Developer, I need to create a SOQL query that will retrieve all ‘Won’ Opportunities records that were created within the last quarter.

Today is July 1, 2024. I need to include the Name, Account, StageName, and Closed Date fields.”

Another case is to retrieve open tasks that are related to Contact John Doe and were created for the past week.

Salesforce Flows Optimization with ChatGPT

Using ChatGPT for optimizing simple Salesforce Flows offers quick, step-by-step guidance, best practice recommendations, and educational insights, making it a valuable tool for immediate and accessible support.

However, Salesforce Chat GPT may struggle with complex scenarios, relies heavily on user-provided details, and cannot directly implement changes, which requires manual user intervention.

While ideal for enhancing efficiency and learning, it is not a replacement for human expertise in more intricate or highly customized situations.

JavaScript Components Improvements by ChatGPT for Salesforce

ChatGPT can help improve JavaScript components by providing suggestions, but its effectiveness varies based on the component’s complexity.

  • Small JavaScript Components: For small JS components, ChatGPT works most effectively and offers valid suggestions for validating input, adding default values, adding comments to describe component properties, error handling for wrapper elements, and caching selector results, though some recommendations might be redundant and the code may need some minor stabilization changes from the developer.
  • Medium JavaScript Components: For this type of component, ChatGPT may provide useful ideas such as using Replacing Promise.all with Promise.allSettled for better handling of promise results and simplifying borrowerId getter logic, reducing code complexity but sometimes suggests unnecessary changes, fails to recognize existing optimizations and handle errors.
  • Large JavaScript Components:For large JS components, ChatGPT may suggest splitting components into smaller reusable components (e.g., for dialog box and loan program filters) and optimizing error handling and performance, the lack of detailed code improvements, over-simplification, and some erroneous suggestions (e.g. for reducing code duplication) can degrade the component’s functionality and result in static logic.

Overall, ChatGPT is more effective with smaller, less complex components, and its utility decreases as complexity increases. Also, its suggestions (e.g. for naming conventions) may heavily depend on the project code style.

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Apex Script Generation

ChatGPT in Salesforce can help generate Apex scripts. In our example, we’ve asked ChatGPT to create an Apex script to move the Close Date one day ahead on Opportunities created last month.

Despite the fact the script looks good, it needs improvement:

  • WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_MONTH
  • opp.CloseDate = opp.CloseDate?.addDays(1);


Guidance on How to Get Roles with Subordinates in Salesforce

ChatGPT can help find roles with subordinates via Salesforce UI Or using SOQL queries like in the example here.

Here is another example of using ChatGPT for Salesforce to generate Apex scripts for migrating values from one field to another on a record. The example below illustrates the result generated by ChatGPT 3.5.

An Example of Using ChatGPT 3.5 Prompts to Generate Apex Scripts Ascendix

An Example of Using ChatGPT 3.5 Prompts to Generate Apex Scripts | Ascendix

As mentioned earlier, responses to the same query may differ between versions. Here is an alternative result from ChatGPT 4.0

An Example of Using ChatGPT 4.0 Prompts to Generate Apex Scripts to Migrate Values Ascendix

An Example of Using ChatGPT 4.0 Prompts to Generate Apex Scripts to Migrate Values | Ascendix

Apex Test Generation

ChatGPT can successfully generate an Apex test to the following Apex method:

public static Boolean hasFields(String objectName, Set fieldNames) {

if (String.isBlank(objectName) || fieldNames == null) {

return false;

Set fields = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objectName)?.fields?.getMap()?.keySet();

if (fields == null) {

return false;

Set fieldNamesLowCase = new Set();

for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {


return fields.containsAll(fieldNamesLowCase);

Here is a link to the response provided by ChatGPT to this query.

As you can see, ChatGPT can generate quite effective unit tests. However, it doesn’t always utilize the latest features.

In the generated test above, it doesn’t use the System.Assert class with its useful methods.

More ChatGPT for Salesforce use case examples can be found in the following Reddit discussion.

While incredibly helpful, it’s important to note that ChatGPT’s generated code and tests might occasionally contain errors or outdated syntax, necessitating a developer’s review and corrections.

Consequently, ChatGPT for Salesforce can serve as a valuable “Co-Developer,” helping developers save time on routine tasks but not replacing the expertise of skilled developers.

How Ascendix Can Help with Salesforce Development

Incorporating ChatGPT in Salesforce presents a wide array of opportunities for enhancing productivity, efficiency, and user experience.

From optimizing lead scoring and interactive forms to facilitating team collaboration and providing smart recommendations, ChatGPT acts as a powerful tool in the Salesforce ecosystem.

While Chat GPT excels in automating many tasks and providing valuable insights, it’s crucial to approach its outputs with a critical eye and leverage human expertise for the review and refinement of Salesforce-related tasks.

That’s why you may need help from a team of Salesforce professionals who can design and implement highly complex customized solutions, automation, and integrations that are aligned with your company’s processes.

And here is what the Ascendix team has to offer you to cover every aspect of your Salesforce journey:

  • Salesforce Consulting

Our Salesforce consulting services are designed to help you fully leverage the power of Salesforce to achieve your business goals. Ascendix is there to assist you in developing a strategic roadmap tailored to your business, focusing on actionable insights and best practices for improving your Salesforce performance.

We specialize in customizing and extending the functionality of your Salesforce solution, building custom applications, creating automation with Apex and triggers, and designing user-centric interfaces using Visualforce and Lightning Components.

  • Salesforce Administration

Our Virtual Salesforce Admin package provides you with a dedicated team of certified Salesforce administrators who manage and optimize your Salesforce instance. From routine maintenance and data management to custom configurations and user support, we handle all aspects of its administration.

With over 20 years in the CRM consulting industry and a team of certified Salesforce professionals, Ascendix brings unparalleled expertise and experience to every project.

We deeply understand Salesforce’s capabilities and how to tailor them to meet your unique needs and by leveraging the latest technologies and methodologies, our experts provide innovative solutions that keep your business competitive and future-ready.

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Choose Ascendix for a partner who understands not only Salesforce but also your business, ensuring that you achieve your goals efficiently and precisely.

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ChatGPT for Salesforce FAQ

Does Salesforce have ChatGPT?

No, Salesforce does not have a native version of ChatGPT. However, you can integrate ChatGPT in Salesforce using APIs to enhance it functionalities.

Does Salesforce use OpenAI?

Yes, Salesforce has partnered with OpenAI to incorporate advanced language models and AI capabilities into its platform.

Is Salesforce Einstein GPT available?

Salesforce Einstein features AI and machine learning tools, but it does not currently integrate ChatGPT directly. However, you can use GPT technology through third-party integrations.

How to use Salesforce GPT?

To use GPT with Salesforce, you can integrate ChatGPT via APIs for tasks like automating data entry, generating code snippets, and enhancing customer interactions.


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