Base Camp Country Real Estate chose AscendixRE Land CRM to support aggressive growth strategy, coordinate smooth work of agents from multiple locations, and drive efficiencies in their operations.
Nathan Mrnak, the COO of Base Camp Country Real Estate and Base Camp Leasing, shared his experience on using AscendixRE Land CRM and explained how it helped them support aggressive growth strategy, coordinate smooth work of agents from multiple locations, and drives efficiencies in their operations.
Nathan Mrnak is the Chief Operating Officer at Base Camp Country Real Estate. Growing up in rural Northern Minnesota set the foundation for Nathan’s love of the outdoors and his future career in the outdoor industry. Nathan’s best days away from work involve the time spent with his two daughters, rooting on their team sports, hunting turkeys or whitetails
Ascendix: Tell us a little bit about what makes BaseCamp Country unique?
Nathan: We specialize in recreational real estate sales, where we assist both sellers and buyers throughout the real estate process.
By living the lifestyle of outdoorsmen and women we understand the value of ranch, farm, and hunting land, which sets our agents apart from your typical real estate company.
Base Camp Country Real Estate has a solid foundation built from over 20 years of experience with its sister company Base Camp Leasing, where both landowners and people who enjoy the outdoors have taken advantage their services.
These foundational relationships have paved the way for Base Camp Country Real Estate to quickly expand into 6 states in just over a year and half.
Our model will continue to grow where the Base Camp Country brand is strongest with aspirations to exceed the 24 states our leasing company operates in today.